
Too Fast

"They grow too fast"

You hear this said all the time from parents
about their kids and it is scary how true it is!

I canNOT believe Kenedie turned 3 a couple months ago.
As much as I love every new phase of her growing up,
sometimes I wish I could freeze time because
I feel like I could just blink and she will be 18!

I just pray that when she is all grown up
she will still laugh with me laying in bed,
say I love you everyday even without me saying it first,
and tell me I am her best friend like she does today!

I also canNOT believe Karsyn will be 1 in a few months!
I have no doubt that I will blink and she will be as old as Kenedie.
I just pray that when she is 3 she will
still grab my leg when she really really wants me to pick her up,
her eyes will still light up when she sees me walk in a room,
and she will still blow me kisses every time I am leaving!

I love love my sweet girls : )

My sweet Kenedie at 3 years old:

Looooove this one for some reason...

Kenedie: I hope you are always as silly as you are now

Kenedie and Karsyn

being silly...

My sweet Karsyn at 9 months old:

Looooooove that sweet face!

1 comment:

  1. these girls are amazing...they do grow to fast..my oldest will be 9 in a few months my middle one 8 and my baby 5....we definetly have to cherish these moments we do have because one day we will wake up and they will be grown.....
