
One word: Anxious

It was about a year ago that I began looking into "nice" cameras to buy. I knew nothing of photography or cameras themselves, all I knew is that I wanted something to take nicer pics of our growing girl. Soon the seeking turned into research, the research into learning and the learning into an obsession. A few short months later my amazing husband, seeing the passion that was festering inside me probably even more than I did, surprised me and brought home a brand new digital slr.

I tried and failed and tried again probably more times than I would like to admit, but I was determined to teach myself how to use this new foreign object that I read so much about. Taking pictures of Kenedie, although will always be my favorite, quickly began to not be enough. After many many months of learning as much as I possibly can, annoying my family with constantly wanting to take pics of them, taking in as much inspiration as I can from some amazing photographers, and loyal friends and friends of friends to practice on: I decided that I wanted to turn my passion into a business.

I have spent the last several months working on the preparation and I am so close now I could burst with excitement!! That's it for now : )