
No words

There are no words that can truly describe how I feel about these two

Love is not infinite enough,
adore is not broad enough

To say they are the light of my life is an understatement
or that I love them to the moon and back is not even close to far enough

Kenedie girl, I hope I can always hear your laughter the way it is now
Karsyn girl, your smile makes my heart happier than anything else in the world

Karsyn, 3 months

my favorite favorite, she was laughing so hard!

Kenedie, 2 and a half

So excited Mommy was letting her jump on the bed!

My silly girl

Her George

Her favorite book

"3 plums"

"5 oranges"

1 comment:

  1. There is no possible way these two could be any more adorable! We are very proud to be Kenedie and Karsyn's aunt, uncle, and cousin.

    Love, K,F, & G
