Hahaha, that makes me laugh! Katie: you know what I am talking about.
Katie is the type of friend that you have a million inside jokes with ; ones like "hummel of husseys" and "tootsie roll" that you may not even remember what they mean but still make you laugh histarically. The type of friend that you may not speak with every day or even every month and you may go a year without seeing but when you do get together it feels like no time has past since you did spend every day together.
I just got the chance to spend a whole weekend with her and two other friends like this and I am grateful for that time.
Katie is a musician, a very talented one. Check out her website! I got the chance to take some photos of her on the beach with her guitar and am so excited with the images that we created. Here are some of my favorites...

Chasing birds

We woke up early to try and get some silhouette pics and look at the sunrise we got!!

And my very very favorite

A they're amazing! Thank you so much! I love it and I love you :)